RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Continuing Journey

Taking time to travel interiorly all through life,
finding everything I can that's hiding within.
Touching inner emotions, giving heart-felt thoughts
throughout the years to write about.

Echo Of A Tomb

Watching ice float in my drink of water, gives me a sort of poem in an echo of a tomb I saw one day, when in a graveyard filled with family.
Thinking of the people I loved with all my heart, now knowing that they are lost to me forever here on earth while I am still alive.

Ongoing Poetry

Lighting viewpoints while scratching the surface of my mind, expressing ideas I've been hiding for so long.
Energizing forms of musical ability in instrumental volumes of ongoing poetry, while living in the words I write them in.
Meaning being elicited from within my heart and soul, hopefully touching others on their solo journeys as we all grow forward in life, getting closer to our endings.
Exchanging a plethora of information of ourselves, we still have no idea who we are in each other's minds.

Never Being Lost

Whispering thoughts, vibrating in my brain, wanting to be let out to soar into skies of bluened beauty.
Wandering in and out of moments held closely in days still ahead, so they would never be lost in stranded corners of life, decaying from a loss of love in senior years.

Shyly Withering

Sublimely thinking while looking around, finding reflections to write about as I hold a pen in my hand.
Carefully, allowing myself to attribute many thoughts to reasons in life as I unfold them in matters of the heart on cold lonely nights.
Withering shyly in depths of penetrating silence, I go inside myself.

Hoping For More Time

Rising tides, whipping my mind with different thoughts in life's abject emptiness.
Woefully crying, holding hands cupped in prayer, knowing there'll never be any answers for me to hear.
A fruitless endeavor, hoping for more time together, yet I try to get it to come about in unending prayers cried from my interior heart and being recited by my mind tonight.

Tear-Stained Windows

Tracing tears down the window panes of my mind, knowing that there's nothing to assuage or wipe them away.
Living a life in a hazy mist with nothing to erase the sadness covering my sight.
Looking out tear-stained windows, no reprieve in sight, all visions breaking through have no reasoning of why I'm hurting.

Tracing Pictures

Riding through the dusk, singing to nature as I pass through forests of pine trees on horseback.
Realizing the pictures that have formed within my mind have been traced from the photographic screens of my memory - past, present and future.
All of them living now in poems that I have written.

A Gondola

Slowly floating downstream in a gondola of my mind, dreaming of being maneuvered down watery streets of Venice, Italy.
Feeling the romance in the ripples of the water as the long oars pulled us through the avenues of long lost love through imagination.

Written In Moments Of Seclusion

Separating and being silent, turning away from the world,
not wanting to be exposed to anyone.

Just wanting to be left alone to fend for myself through

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