RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Lonesome Days

Encompassing thoughts of a lifetime as I write them into
a poetical interlude that will last forever, lonesome
days becoming the volumes of poetry that I write.

Inspiring Within

Windows of my soul are open, allowing me to see into it's
dimensions, interiorly feeling the serenity that is fill-
ing me entirely.

Giving Endurance

Roaming this earth in poetical stances of intellect,
giving ideas room to be nurtured and flourish, sonnets
flowing into classical music as I compose it endlessly.

Something's Missing

Life carrying on, children being born, families growing,
being nurtured by parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles.

Everything set in place to live life, yet something's now

Seen Through Lines Of Poetry

Triggering a balance of rhythm through poetry, living the
essence of both simultaneously, turning, finding the awe-
some beauty of life giving a savory taste of innate talent.

Train Whistling Tunes

Shuffling down the tracks, listening to that train whist-
ling tunes of my loneliness, touching the interior sorrow
that sings along through the night.

Clapping Drums

Clapping drums sounding throughout the atmosphere,
leading me through avenues of a polka.

Laughing, enjoying it as my pen continues to tickle

Passion And Desire Bursting

Loneliness filling me when we're not together, only
wanting to be with you no matter what music is play-
ing, because you fill depths of my heart with yours.

Whispering Sweet Nothings

Timing our togetherness to a nanosecond, every moment
being accounted for, tenderly and quietly walking hand
in hand, talking.

Going Over The Edge

Walking down the streets of an interior life, going over
it's edges just to explore, curiosity getting the best
of me each time.

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