RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Children's Minds Absorbing Everything

Instilling many thoughts in intellect, joining the
intensity of playing along with children, questions
galore being asked of me, loving to answer them.

Feeling Moments

Heart standing still, listening to echoes of childhood,
watching images as they come forward into the presence
of my mind.

Internally Wandering

Insistent sadness walking pathways of my brain,
bringing forward all thoughts that created them
once upon a time.

Relying On Instinct

Riding waves of an inner ocean, loving the feeling of
rising and falling dwelling within.

Senses being kick-started through music and it's rhythm,

Added Facet Of Love

Mind touching feelings of this heart as it surges
with desire across the miles, reaching out to the
love found in another.

Contented Life Of Birds

Waking to a bright early sun, lifting my eyelids to
welcome this new day.

Watching birds twittering about, chirping, talking

Exclusive Domain

Slipping and sliding into portals of intellectual
thought, nothing getting in the way of the beauty
that is found there.

Wonderful Pattern Of Intellect

Exhausting every possibility just doesn't seem
to happen, my mind does not ever quit, it always
finds ideas and thoughts to write about.

Hands Of My Mind

Traveling, looking at landscapes being created as
I do so, enjoying what I see.

Taking each moment into the hands of my mind, going

Refreshing Desert

Satisfied, contented, living in the desert, enjoying
walking it's arid and dusty floors, nothing like being
one and a part of this beautiful landscape.

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