RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Wonder Of Everything

Taking a moment in time to think about life and where
it's going.

Loving the wonder of everything that comes across my

Words Of Meaning

Sitting here waiting for the doctor and my I.V., just
writing and thinking about life while listening to
music, it's rhythms immediately capturing intellect
and imagination.

Velvet Tongues

Silently and purposely, writing whatever comes into being
through this mind.

Ripping apart the lies of everyday things creating many

Finding Thoughts

Racing through denizens of my mind, finding an explicit
and divine purpose wherever I happen to look interiorly.

A vast sphere, always open, ready to take me into it's

Alluring Senses Of Being

Directly and coincidently, hiding within self, writing
and projecting beauty of music being listened to, into
poetry that has a meaning and purpose.

Chasing Nighttime Dreams

Waiting and watching for videos to play on inner
photographic screens, putting every puzzle piece
together quickly and instantaneously into many
thoughts this brain immediately interprets and

Alluring Events Of Childhood

In younger days of life, finding self amidst nature and
always enjoying being alone within it.

Climbing trees, hanging upside down, running everywhere,

Beautiful Love Of Nature

Finding love standing on sidelines, waiting to be
recognized and returned a hundredfold.

Seeing a brightened, bluened light, shining from

Breath Of My Being

Feeling the need to have the one I love close at hand,
keeping me safe, loving me every moment that I take a
breath, continuing life.

Breath - Taking Feeling

Grasping inner feelings are hidden in corners,
trying to escape, being noticed, yet finding and
writing them into an existence of reality.

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