RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Touching Souls In A Smile

Hesitant looks coming from elderly people at times, not quite
sure why, but smiling at them brings a smile in return, their
eyes then light up to match their smiles.

Passed Into An Interior Oblivion

Tired, exhausted, living in a time of aging memories that have
been tied tightly, cherished and hopeful when thought of, mind
reaching for their essence.

Meaning's Feelings

Staring into the future, still holding onto the past in aging
memories that hold great meaning, feelings being tied to them
even now.

Little Tokens Of Life

Washing ashore, many shells tumbling over themselves and each
other, little tokens of life that often are saved and cherish-
ed by children throughout the years.

Allocating Meanings To Life

Looking up at surroundings quickly, seeing people watching as
I'm writing intently, smiling a little, seeming to enjoy
watching what is being done.

Quietly Reminiscing

Straining to hear voices of yesterday at times, for they are
no longer being heard today, their voices remain silent, now
etched only in memories of the present.

Acres Of Loneliness

Traveling forlornly into acres of loneliness stretching out
before us, nothing in life has stayed with us, therefore we
live solitary lives.

Raked Into Appropriate Piles

Searching through piles of thoughts lying around this mind
like leaves on the ground, hoping to be raked into appropri-
ate piles.

Solitary Domain

Leaving this world behind, taking hold of a spiritual nature
that will give hope and a sparkle to the faith hidden with-
in each of us.

Divine Source Of Energy

Feeling happy and joyful the moment music begins to play, en-
ticing this mind to come out and play with thoughts of innate
intelligence, finding new concepts to draw experiences from.

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