RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Opening souls, letting the Holy Spirit fill the room
as all meet in God's love.
Healing taking place as oil meets prayer, spreading the
healing graces of His Holy Spirit in everyone as myrrh

Arriving At Conclusions

Settling into a position, arriving at conclusions of life's ending.
Solidly appreciating every moment God has given me, knowing now
that I must let go and let God take me, if He will.
Satisfied in my mind that nothing more can be done, I must say

Mirrors Of My Eyes

Looking into mirrors of my eyes, watching
myself slowly fade into non-existence.
Not being able to stop the progression of
my body from attacking itself, unable to

Sitting In The Desert

Looking out across the desert, lovingly gathering it
into my mind's heart, wandering it's trails throughout

Trap Door

Falling into a pool of painful tears, wondering how I've fallen in.
Is there a trap door somewhere within me?
A mysterious concern filling me, I know not what it is.
Continually bantering, haunting my being with it's excessive

Nothing Comes To Mind

Smoke signals within, sending messages into the universe,
attempting to find some sort of salve to heal or cure me
from this puzzle.
Nothing seems to come to mind, not even to the doctors I

Backs To My Mind

Waving canopies flying overhead as I wander through
ideas being sought by my poetical essence right now.

Accentuating the results of all endeavors, I cast

Fragily Moving

Mysterious Balance

Strident echoes are falling down inside,
searching for contents of their passion
as they fold upon themselves in closing
buds of exploration.

Conversation With A Cab Driver

Riding in a yellow cab on the way to an appointment,
the driver talked knowledgeably about Italy being
ruled by the Moors back when.
Thinking Shawiak was a German name when in fact it's

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