RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Assigning Ourselves In Society

Our thoughts shape our actions in life, their images are
carried in our minds and different subjects invoke visions
based on concrete information, based on our wants, needs and

Silent Clouds, Waves Rolling

Watching waves roll over, up and then crashing on shore,
while above in the sky, clouds are doing the same thing,
only in a slow and silent way.

Sensation Of Cleansing

Swimming against tides of life, sorrow and grief continually
washing over and rinsing tears of a lifetime from this soul.

An intense and perfect sensation of being cleansed, through-

Watching Ideas Pop

Silence taking me down avenues of placid thought, watching
as ideas pop into spaces being vacated by gifts of innate

Loving Spirit

Loving the spirit of my soul mate, he touches my life in
such a special way, giving his unconditional love in an
overwhelmingly unselfish way.

Void Of Literature

Writing explicitly into the day and night, letting
feelings and emotions flow effortlessly into the
void of literature.

What I Call An Aging Maturity

There comes a point in everyone's life when they reach
what I call an aging maturity, having done things in
younger days to cheat, ignore, treat others like they
don't matter at all.

Respecting Opinions

Living in memories of the past at times, going over every-
thing, watching carefully at the mistakes I used to make,
assimilating and making sure they never get repeated again.

Inner Music And Rhythm

Attaching life to music every moment, alive, vibrant,
awesome rhythms taking me tiptoeing through gardens
of heaven and earth.

Giving Thoughts Energy

Time is precious throughout the night, moments slipping
by silently in the darkness as we sleep, or as in my
case as I write.

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