RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Entering Interior Domains

Taking places in rhythms that are racing through my
mind, leaving the finish line way behind.

Rising above levels of an adjacent future, wanting

Colloquial Types Of Sentiment

Switching gears, finding the pace steady and gaited,
watching carefully along the way, being silent, not
wasting any energy on things that don't even matter.

Animated Rhythm

Listening to music from India, building itself within
intellect totally and selectively.

Creating an extraordinary amount of ideas, sliding

Relating On A Divine Level

Standing by, watching a friend go through so many hard-
ships in life.

Talking, letting to him honestly tell me everything he

Imagining Thoughts In Pristine Colors

Catching onto rhythms that live within my being,
loving to feel them as they reach deftly into the
essence of my brain.

Distinct Sounds

Slapping drums, beating rhythms as they become in times
and measures, awaiting future fast-paced notes now being
written into lines of verse.

Loving Sounds

Waiting silently, listening to music of India while
sitting here writing.

Being non-plussed and energetic, loving the sounds

Path To A Final Picture

Regulated beats touching intellect, giving an exquisite
rhythm to my mind.

Steady and brilliant, taking me on an excursion into

Imbibing Music Fully

Rushing into depths of India through it's tantalizing
music, loving it's sounds and extraordinary beats as
they clasp my mind.

Loving The Ride

Rising with waves upon the ocean surface, gliding and
rolling over it, then suddenly crashing and frothing
upon sands of the shore.

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