RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Watching The Metronome Of Life

Watching the metronome of life as it clicks back and forth
in time with every song being played tonight, reaching into
its invisible measures as they grow and blossom exponentially
throughout life.

Finding Faith Within

Muddied waters standing before me, trying to taint my soul,
yet they never will, as I continue to look for the pristine
waters of a baptized reality.

Hoping Against All Hope

Tending to things needed in life, breathing, heart rate,
oxygen levels.

All being done here in the emergency room for my friend,

Taking Life In Stride Intuitively

Peace and serenity continually fill an interior life which
dictates feelings and hopes that I have for God.

Blessed beyond normal, living in a bluened atmosphere, and

Musical Grief


Balance of intuition graces beings of talent with
untoward recognition, searing events into synapses
of memory.
Relegating imagery and rhythm to upper echelons of

Poetry Of Life

Listening, acutely aware of what is transpiring around
me as I write quietly in moments of serene contemplation.

Telepathically communicating between consciousness and

Holding Onto Life Itself

Holding onto life itself as if it's a lifeline that we cannot
do without, yet if we thought about it, we'd spend our lives
giving from our hearts and never counting the cost.

Coinciding Feeling Of Joy

Listening intently to rhythms, having waited so long to hear
them, enjoying each song being played.

A heartfelt feeling of joy settling within, as it coincides

Interior Rhythm

Peaceful endeavors enfolding me,
sending me spiraling towards infinity in union
with an interior rhythm written in heaven.
Solidifying peace, increasing it's momentum,

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