RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Faith Of Knowingness

Serene Motives

Belief in God is an interior peace, a motive to be
the best you can be, without doubt nor fear.
Sounds of life cover slowly, our lifetimes with
spiritual serenity, even on darkest days of silence.

Minor Chords

Reactions To Timelessness

Taking into account many moments of life, we are stranded in
a limited timeless sphere.
Death takes us out of this limited space and allows us to
continue unendingly through our souls and spirits.


Developing attitudes of confusion, toting them about,
being disillusioned throughout the day.

Bruised beyond comprehension, startled into a reverie

Blanketed Steps

Waving and ebbing, taking blanketed
steps towards eternity on pathways
to heaven.
God standing at His gates, waiting

Impossible Nightmare Becoming Reality

A young boy of twelve killed instantly by a falling tree or limb.
Hunting in Colorado with his Dad and friends, enjoying one another and bonding.
Thoughts of killing animals the only ones on their minds.
Experienced hunters, teaching their sport to a child, all rules of safety being followed.

Memories And Reminders

Life at Channel Three News has vanished into clouds above, no longer looking to Scott or Jim to cover a fast-breaking news story.
Individuals walking around the news room, see reminders of their two best friends and all their love and joy in photos or gifts surrounding them.
Memories placed just so before they left this earth for good.

Special Gift

Watching television as cameras pan across the crowd, highlighting special friends and families in their sorrow.
Bruce Haffner, the last of the three amigos, celebrating the life of his best friends as he touched upon their senses of humor, making everyone smile or laugh.
As a camera hovered for a moment on Jim's parents, his mother's smile reflected that of Jim's.
A special gift to treasure every time she looks in the mirror - Jim's smile is fashioned after hers.

Laden Trees

Trees laden with leaves and branches reaching out,
touching my soul, awakening life within, placing
coverlets of peace placatingly over me.

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