RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
In Synch

Lively steps brought about by music
and it's steady beat,
taking us by the mind and heart,
out onto the dance floor.

Interior Dimensions

Music turning into writing, squeezing my memory of
it's many presents, taking me to further shores of
imagination than I've ever been before.
On knees of prayer, thanking God for this immense

Losing Life

Losing life is part of our lives on earth.
It's deathly embrace puts sorrow on each of our tables, sometimes.
Even though we try to get through without meeting it personally.
Grief tends to wrap itself wherever it feels like, leaving us wondering why.

Delicate Peace

Intense Images

Loving life's music, taking it all in,
reviewing the past with minute precision.
Living a fantastic fun-filled mind of events -
past, present and future.

Being Entertained

Being entertained by elderly people in a variety
show of talent practiced through the years.
Smiles beaming with attention, dancing in our
mind, images of rhythm and grace.

Mind Piano

Tunnels of musical perfection
and perfect pitch allow pianos
of my mind to touch upon nature
and heavenly words of expression.

Racing Poetry

Thinking and writing rapidly as I hear piano
ivories playing swiftly and exactly in my
musical mind apertures.
Enjoying their beauty, matching their rhythms

Mean Beings

A Favorite Uncle

Staring into future reflections, seeing generations of family standing on shores of life beyond us.
Hurting, crying, tears falling into crystal lakes of heaven, where they are held as treasures until we are again reunited with family.
Being human, grieving totally inside, our hearts are emptied as we continue our daily lives alone in thought.
Uncle Nunzio, once again with his family, happy to be together, now enjoying his after-life existence without us.

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