RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Heart's Sight

Circling my mind, thinking about a myriad of ideas swimming deeply in my intellect, trying to decide what it prefers at this point in time.
Lifting spirits higher with staccato beats of an outer rhythm, penetrating my mind with it's incessant tones and beauty.
Bringing up beautiful visions before me, giving my heart a sense of sight, beautiful to behold.
Cantering through a photographic memory, believing in a spirit of harmony.

Dusting Cobwebs

Dusting off cobwebs of my mind, releasing thoughts caught up in delicate strings, holding me in for years.
Now, freedom has set in and given me wings to soar beyond myself and into skyways of everlasting peace.
Rushing into waterfalls, going over, free falling into emotions, letting them cover me intimately so I can write out of them.
Softly whispering into patterns of my mind, changing and altering them to fit a new generation of feelings.

Beautiful Insight

Overflowing with an effervescent feeling of joy, listening to melodies rhythmically touching my mind with their beautiful insight.
Taking into account all avenues of life, adjusting to the different directions it has been taking since putting poetry out to the world.
Every one being a song taken from my heart, expressing life in poetical reason.
Unlocking all emotion and placing it where it can be seen and listened to just by reading pages of my life.

Dancing Emotions

Wresting emotions from within,
making them dance with joy,
intimidating their inner desires -
letting them become other than themselves -

Not Wasting Moments

Listlessly sitting back, watching people live their lives, knowing they are only standing around the edges, not really participating in most of it.
Living every moment of my own life, it's easy to tell how others are just barely living theirs.
What does it take to move others into circles of their everyday routines, and actually enjoy what they're doing.
Pleasant activities are the most fulfilling - usually.

No Feelings

Wandering aimlessly, not letting anything
close enough to touch me.
Wanting to not have any feelings right now,
just to see how it feels without emotions

Antique Ways

Resorting to antique ways of old,
Restoring even myself so I may be used for the rest of my life.
Living on cushions of extra-sensory provisions, leaving nothing
Behind in drawers of misspent youth.

Rhythm Of Future

Sending kisses through the years, alighting always on past memories, letting the essence of their love fill me with tears.
Beginning always with thoughts of someone who used to care for me.
Parents, relatives, friends, all waiting to greet me on the other side.
Knowing at least in my heart that I am wanted and loved for who I am.

Elastic Beauty

Flowing through mild waters out at sea, drowning in meanings that are taunting me ceaselessly, finding nothing to save me in days of saddened recollection.
Following a destiny of sorts, being elated with thoughts, filling my mind with elastic beauty.
Stretching it over my imagination, keeping me stable, and focused through it all.
Bowing to life and it's grief, thanking it for the gifts and talents God has given me to access human frailty and exposing it clearly, undisputably in writing poetry.

Deserts Of Thought

Heaviness of sorrow penetrates my being on a distant plain above earth's reality.
Transporting signals from pictures into deserts of thought, becoming the pleasure of intended joy, barren desolation being pushed to the side for now.
Elated to the core of my interior soul, being taken on a journey of tantamount importance.

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