RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Wonder Created In Nature

Justifying the beauty in life, nature stands all
around us in splendor and majesty.

Nothing humans can create match the wonder of what

Wishing In A Moonlit Night

Wishing upon stars in a moonlit night, watching
them tinkle when hearing what is being said.

Totally open and waiting for wishes to come upon

Treasure To Behold

Sunset landing on the horizon, bright red and orange,
at the level where I can still see it, beautiful and
exorbitant, a treasure to behold.

Sufficing A Mind

Silhouettes of another day, sliding below earth,
where they will set on another horizon, awakening
others to an individual morning, new and tantalizing.


Sitting at my younger son's dining room table, writing
in my usual position no matter where I happen to go.

Today being Easter, we are all together as always,

Simple Little Things

True hearts are not caught on material things, only the
simple little things count in life.

A fulfilling and sensuous nature, waiting within, natural

Seasons Of Moments

Summer roses reminding me of weddings, love and funerals,
red showering us with scented meaning of love throughout
our lives.

Walking Trails Of Wildlife

Walking through the desert on trails of wildlife that
already live there and have worn a path they use every

Never - Ending Trails

Loving friends and times we have together,
a joy to be with them all.

We have an unconditional love going on

Praying For Our Vets

Praying for all of our soldiers here in the good ol'
U.S.A., wanting them to know how much we appreciate
their service for us all.

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