RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Intense Videos

Realistically, life is a terrible yet wonderful experience,
taking us on many roller coaster rides.

Into heights and depths of emotions and feelings, giving so

Exploring Inner Oceans

Taking life in stride, thinking over it's steps all along
the way, and realizing reality as it filters out and into
imagination, falling short of our every expectation.

Touching Intellect

Angles and beauty fall silently into my mind, touching
intellect with an absorbing feeling of intense knowledge.

Reasoning is being acutely and keenly attuned to the

Opening Wisdom

Platforms and significant designs, fitting in rhythmic
patterns are falling silently and acceptingly into

Enchanting Essence And Passion

Dancing to music that is placating inner desires as they
look and whisper about for the first time.

Child-like, innocent and touchingly beautiful, smiling

Bluened Tones

Swinging right into melodies of this
morning, enjoying their easy going
tempo as it flows around my mind in
bluened tones of gray, so intense

A New Freedom

Quickly moving into the sunrise, beginning a whole new day
with expectant hopes and brand new promises.

Lifting spirits higher with every rhythm coming into being,

Immersing Life

Slow and easy moving, taking me for a motorcycle ride down
creative avenues, showing vast lands of imagination,
widening even more as I ride past them.

Diamond Gems

Special commitments coming this way, rhythms being played
faster, receiving thoughts rapidly, writing them down as
fast as possible.

Patterns Within Rainbows

Rocking and rolling to tunes of many different rock bands,
flowing through the atmosphere on air currents of beautiful
patterns within rainbows of various colors.

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