RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Young Memories

Waving gently like seaweed in the ocean, willow trees
sway slowly in an afternoon breeze.

Silently lifting spirits with their peaceful, serene

A Leave

Rolling, topsy-turvy, over the heated pavement,
looking for some coolness beneath a shady tree.

Crackling, banging it's head, just as it finds

Peering Into Windows

Peering into picture windows upon a library wall,
seeing reflections of outdoors in colorful,
picturesque images.

Not Wishing To Be Found

As loneliness pours from my eyes, this heart is
being squeezed to death in sorrow.

Forgetting to fulfill life, death stalks slowly,

Searching For Meaning

Tender life, gently growing, seeing the world close
around you, timidly reaching out to touch and explore
it's little tiny universe, a tender life is left
yearning to discover more.

Broken Memories

Reflections in a mirror, portraying images through
windows once filled with broken life.

Now at a standstill, cracked and faded memories

A Silent Pact

Water wavering slightly at the gentle touch of the wind,
air all around filled with the fragrance of soon to come

Lying In Shaken Trust

Winds shaking trees within it's gripping clutches,
throttling their long necks, causing them to jerk
and twist about.

Absorbed In Nature

Eyes travel slowly over roving grassy hills,
taking my mind along into imagination's stores.

Totally absorbed in nature's beauty, watching it

Soul Rewards

When you have no money you tend to look inside yourself
for gifts to give others.

A gift of self appears from our hearts and souls and is

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