RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Distant Tomorrows

Trotting down lanes of distant tomorrows, holding onto hopes
and promises of yesterday, with clarity and intensity.

Noting the insistence of feelings growing gently and tenderly

Edges Of Horizons

Listening to waves of rhythms tinker with my brain, feeling
the sensations and enjoying them immensely.

Wonderful vibrations taking me into depths of incessant

Collective Museums

Calling cards being driven home to islands of another plain,
taking me into the collective museums of another life, filled
with memories of the past.

Ancient Beauty

Centering in the midst of an oblong circumference,
wandering around and watching boundaries enlarge
and shrink in edges of night.

Landscapes Of Rhythm

Circuits of electronic keyboards fill the air with
electricity from within landscapes of rhythm.

So often calming, soothing and beginning another

Locked Away

Running and searching for something that may never be found,
causing inner pain and quiet desperation.

Alone, an outcast, misunderstood on all accounts, left out

Light Of Promising Death

Suicidally contemplating this life, it's failure, it's
miserable existence, it's cruelty.

Ties broken, lying on a grave, no stone to mark it's way,

Unafraid Of Dying

Funeral sounding music pounding, shaping melodies of death,
as it is heard.

Sneaking quietly upon strands of life, left hanging in the

Trails Of Sorrow

Silent sounds of a harmonica, playing in the background, a
saddened solo journey down trails of sorrow.

Capturing the essence of life, allowing it the freedom that

Lying On My Mind

Dying, lying on my mind,
just preparing to meet
it again in a final journey
towards a sunset on another

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