RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Enticing Desires Being Held

Flute-like, music touching my mind, drums beating along
in a singular rhythm, watching as colors start exploding
into inner atmospheres.


Watching you walk down a pathway of darkness, creating a
prison for yourself, that I will not let you live in.

Wanting you only to be free and independent, not strapped

Enjoying Equality

Shaking my mind, watching thoughts flutter from the tree of
intellect growing within.

Optimately seeing a brightness and clarity of goodness being

Emotional Outbursts

Exaggerating emotional outbursts as I watch teenage
girls get boisterous when around the boys.

Seeming so funny now, but imagining I was the same

Light Of Energy

Anywhere, finding time to write, living for
rhythms as they entice my being totally.

Always finding the light of energy unfolding

Interior Libraries

Going through this mind with a fine toothed comb, locating
the tiniest thoughts hiding within.

Finding that they are utterly intense and familiar, always

Mind Albums

11: 29 a.m.
Writing into depths of this being, taking many
memories and images into the albums of a mind.

Living Through Hell

Life is difficult, having large and small problems
while we live through it, nothing else can be done.

At times crippling people with disease or pain, some

Alone And Hiding

Wind whistling through the night, nothing to stop
it's eerie lonely sound.

Reminding me of a child happily walking through

Inner Creative Universe

Centers of the universe fill my mind with questions,
wanting to know what they consist of.

Physically made from gases, rocks, shale, granite,

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