RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Spiritual Horizons

Wishes becoming reality, spreading themselves
throughout life, giving much pleasure.

Soothing rhythms soaring into spiritual domains

Leaving No Imprint

Strutting melodies easily taking me along trails of
deserts in arid places of my mind.

Secret corners taking me into them without fear that

Sensing Outcomes

Dining in leisurely pursuits, enjoying tastes of nature
and the universe while measuring time in verse.

Wanting to spend all of life in interior visions as they

Poverty's Reminders

Everything is abright, life continues it's journey
through moments of time, taking this being with them.

Finding novel ideas blooming along the way, stemming

Senses Being Absorbed

Solemnly stepping in time like a metronome,
keeping rhythm steady and complete, allowing
notes to follow pathways, and bringing every-
thing into focus.

Dew Drops Of Ideas

Striding steadily into new horizons, heart beating with
the excitement of learning and discovering what lies

Textures Of Emotions

Enduring feelings letting it be known, they are on the
sidelines, awaiting acknowledgement of them.

Noticing sorrow leaning over, holding onto grief and

Watching Images

Intensifying visions coming to mind in an ever-increasing
rhythm, giving untold images voices in their inner realms
of intellect.

Intense Deserts

Sad things come to mind on empty playgrounds
of childhood.

Memories never being stilled, continually

Finding Avenues

Traveling slowly with clouds, tracing pathways through
skyways of this mind.

Looking down and over earth, letting poetical words be

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