RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Bad Side Of Goodness

Loving the bad side of goodness, tasting the challenge
of it within, living on the edge, enjoying the rise of
adrenaline that never ends.

Saying Love

Rhythms gliding into my heart, shining light on the dark-
ness of my being, touching my soul, giving your love to
me in the silence of our togetherness.

Questioning Without Doubt

Questioning how you could love me with all my faults,
idiosnycrasies and emotional feelings, yet you are
always here no matter what I do or say.

Rhythms Under The Badge

Reeling with fantastic rhythms of 'Under The Badge',
a band filled with enthusiasm and life, taking us on
an adventure through music altogether.

Effervescent Enlightenment

Placing beats steadily into intellect, writing poetry
rapidly, not wanting to hear anything else, no talking,
no conversation, just wanting to hear music.

Rhythmic Ride

Soothing and calm, a steady beat settling within, taking
me for a rhythmic ride through poetry.

Songs singing thoroughly and intensely, leading me into

Justice And Freedom Reigning

Only living in the moment, taking the sun with me where-
ever I travel in life, burning always, keeping me warm no
matter the weather.

Your Inner Love

Tuning into feelings hiding deeply in my being, soul
now recognizing beauty of our love as it shelters
and protects us from the turmoil in life.

White And Brilliant

Rhythmically playing, notes flowing into the atmosphere
freely, taunting and giving an everlasting pleasure in
and through music they're creating.

Hearts Aflame

Knowing that you're always thinking of me, memories being
poetical, rhythmically remembering every detail of times

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