RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Textures Of Words

Traveling at speeds of light, listening to the speed of sound
as they both blend and mix together.

Nature's Intense Desires

Flowing through tunnels of thought, enjoying the
sensations they are providing through intense desires
of nature.

Sea Of Darkness

Tossed on the sea of darkness, filled with the dread of life,
finding no one to talk to, sealing a promise of death.

Sending out signals to all who are drowning, holding on to

Canyons Of Life

In myself, feeling totally lost, forsaken, I cannot be what
I am supposed to be, it leaves me feeling empty, desolate,
at a loss.

All - Consuming

Light striking the match of love inside, a tiny ember started,
soon a heart is all aflame.

Standing knee-deep in the flame of love, not getting burned at

Another Fragment

Bizarre is life and all it's many facets, turning over and
over, upon a shore of glass, being cut, torn and shattered

Thoughts Of Sleep

Waiting in the time before slumber arrives, our minds try to
make us think we're tired.

Filling it with thoughts of sleep, trying to make us feel that

Barry Goldwater One Age To Another

Generations speed by on ageless doilies of satin lace, begotten
of love and friendship, ties bind one age to another.

When young, friends of parents become adults you know, growing

Only Solitary Windows Of Life

Solitary windows peering into life, letting loose thoughts
of the universe.

Thoughtfully praying behind closed doors, leading solitary

Touching Empty Spaces

Touching empty spaces deep within, covering them with
melody's rhythms.

Protecting their hurtened feelings with soft petals of

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