RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Life Winds

When winds of life blow through my mind, causing memories
and images to flap in the breeze, I remember with love
the life of my mother.

Consuming Thoughts

Death steals our last sentences away before we can speak
them to our loved ones.

Left with loneliness and tears how can anyone go on?

Precious Are Moments

Life is calling constantly through nature's wonder and

Breezes softly whispering, rays of light shining so

Intense Attitudes

Moving to the rhythms, enfolding me within their souls,
giving a happiness and cheer through their placement
of notes and tones within my heart.

Artistic Views

Blowing gently, leaves of my mind, with sounds of a
harmonica being played by my Mom throughout childhood.

Listening carefully as she played her favorite songs,

Nature's Future

Looking out into the future of nature, seeing it's
tenuous mountains, standing erect and protective
all around our thriving city.

Touching Facts

Looking up into a tree, it's branches looking deadened,
scratching these eyes with their forlorn presence.

Taking away, thinking of their beauty, once so much

Invisible Webs

Sitting outside by the fountain, flowing with innate
energy around the pool surrounding it.

Projected In Ripples

Watching water flowing quickly in a circle around a
pool below the fountain.

Seeing it's energy being projected in the ripples

Gentle Winds Rippling

Feeling all the pleasure being brought through the energy
of flowing waters.

Allowing me to watch how gentle winds can ripple, bubble,

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