RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Passion For Family

Crossing swords with death many times in life, finding resolution
in pain and grief.

Writing my way through it all, learning along the way how family

Rainbow Intelligence

Second chances pull themselves from mires of tragic
circumstances, fixing sights on shores of tomorrow's sunrise.

Placing Emptiness

Desires rising like ocean waves and ebbing
like tides of eternity.

Numbered Days

Relaxing in a bed of pain, trying hard not to feel it
stabbing me, without much success.

Gentle Love

Watching, looking, seeing people I know, feeling a
gentle love for each person.

Realizing that everyone on earth is really one big

Educational Fraud

Twentieth anniversary of VIPP, candidates are paraded in
front of us and are given two questions to answer on
renewable energy.

Bureaucrats Stealing

A politician is up speaking about children first,
that she herself created and endorsed.

It has may flaws and is not really helping the way

Talking With No Substance

Two people running for office for Maricopa County Colleges, talked,
but never said anything solid - not anything I could use to place
my trust in either of them.

Spouting Rhetoric

Candidates for state treasurer now speaking, using scare
tactics along with untruthful lies.

Superintendent of Education, stating she'll improve the

Pushing For Election

Ms. R. states she wants to work on foreclosures and loan
officers, etc.

How, is not told to us - just that she will push this if

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