RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Little Glance Of Life

Turning pages of life's memories slowly, looking back so silently
at how it all began and now watching it's ending, curtains closing
upon landscapes of life without any fanfare or ado.

Whispers Fading

Treasuring moments as they fade in and out, being cherished in
the secrets we keep hidden in our hearts, so often feeling alone
on this earth.

Blanketed Somberness

Sun once shining brightly on earth, darkness descending, hiding
it from all of us, soothing us in silent starlight and an effer-
vescent moonlight.

Moments Of The Future

Sweeping into the dust of another tomorrow, hoping to find our
way on trails left in the dirt by our ancestors, coming and
going, never being discouraged or defeated.

Gathering Silence

Waltzing and dancing into this night, fighting sleep through
rhythms and music, gathering silence and putting it aside as
we hover around.

Temporary Stance Of Life

Rising and falling into the night, watching as dusk slips onto
the horizon unbidden, yet somehow chosen to do so, liberty and
freedom taking us by the hand as we traipse through this eternal
land of promise.

Mysterious Lyrics

Tempos being sounded out, shining in the darkness, insisting
on being heard by everyone, telling stories through mysterious

Holding Moments Of Life

Journeys of life never to return again once we've past our last
sunsetical shores, never thinking to look back once we're gone
from this earth.

Seeing Humanity

Sitting in darkened corners, looking about, watching people
as they talk and get along in a Chinese restaurant, having
finished my meal already.

Leaving A Legacy Of Dreams

Rushing to and fro, wishing to be able to do everything I want
before dying, knowing that it's not at all possible, just a
dream I have.

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