RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Circular Reflections

Circular reflections taking thoughts into a contemplation of
what life is like, thinking of all aspects it holds while we
are living it.

Wishing To Meet People In This World

Traveling this world over within my mind, imagining all the
beauty to be seen along the way, wishing to meet people all
over this world.

Imaginational Reality

Reaching into imagination, looking for fantasies that I can
contain and write into poetry, finding reality always stand-
ing on the sidelines.

True Americans

Thinking now of our Veterans, how much they sacrifice for so
many strangers they will never meet, yet, they continue to
put their lives on the line for each of us.

Composing Our Lives

Settling amid the wonder and awe of nature and life, contemplating
their beauty and essence blended with our own, melodious, poetical
tantalizing, enticing us daily on our way through life.

Along Paths Of Lives

Languishing in an early morning environment and atmosphere,
looking around, enjoying this life as it exists in individual
ways for each and every one of us daily.

Attitudes And Personalities

There are so many personalities in life, some people generous
and kind to a fault, always ready to lend a helping hand,
giving from their hearts and never counting the cost.

Accepting Change

Sunny days on the horizon, bringing warmth and positive attitudes
into people's minds with beauty of life and nature, surviving the
night, taking hold of everything as it unfolds in daylight.

Nothing In Between

Reality sets the world afire at times, so much friction and
tension going on between people during election time, wanting
different candidates.

Living In An Extreme World

Going as rapidly as I can, following fast-paced rhythms and
tempos into other dimensions without anyone ever knowing,
being soothed and tantalized by music.

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