RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Repertoire Of Past Images

Writing into this sovereign night, sky overcast, hiding
the stars from sight.

Nowhere seeing anything but shadows creeping all around,

Balance And Liberation

Watching interiorly for sights of voices and silent senses,
touching intellect and finding a response that is committed
to honesty.

Beauty Of Younger Life

Resuscitating life with breath of yesterday, opening doors
to past memories, letting them live again in this mind
and poem.

Breaking Open Essence

Separating existence from the interior substance of
impossibilities, causing a break in the definition
of life.

Illusive Riches

Walking down streets alone, watching for signs of life as
visions pop into this mind.

Calculating major formulas of physics, finding they have

Out Of Reach

Tumbling down mountainsides, unable to grasp hold of
anything to stop the fall.

Out of reach, not focusing on points of interest

Capturing New Meanings

Thoughts being reflected from photographic screens,
giving an essence of their progression.

Lifting them into realms of imagination where they

Filling Senses With Passion

Strengthening predictive features of a mind, stretching them
out of bounds, elastically unfolding their beauty as they
spread their warmth throughout an inner universe of this mind.

Effects Of Mystery

Watching problems being acquired in repertoires of
unending rhythms, silently playing into a silence
of future solutions.

Treasures Of Tomorrow

Dancing into outer edges of intellect, finding an extra-
ordinary arrangement of delicate harmonies settling in.

Wanting to explore everything on this earth, not being

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