RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Between Echoing Whispers

Listening to the electricity of an inner energy as
music glistens, taking every particle and fiber in-
to a vibrant and pleasurable joy of being.

Exhausting My Mind

Discrepancies throughout life line pockets of
my mind and intellect with questions.

Looking to find answers exhausts my mind after

Nothing But An Empty Shell

Victories in life are irrelevant without you by my
side, building a life and future together it seems
now, was just a futile exercise to fill our time.

Meeting And Combining Our Talents

Fanning out from our hearts, touching our beings and
desires fully with love.

Adjusting, meeting, allowing our minds to find ways

Puddles Of Expiration

Energizing purposes of this life, taking them from
the deserts of desolate dissonance.

Picturing the essence of an irretrievable totality,

Never Wishing To Be In The Picture

Always standing back, never wishing to be in pictures
of fame and riches, preferring to be in the background,
alone, writing to my heart's content.

Looking At The End Of Life

Looking at the end of life, knowing that everything is
completely out of my hands, it is all up to God, only.

Broken-hearted from loss throughout life, suffering

Picturing Every Thought

Melodies living within my being, allowing rhythms to
generate ideas and many thoughts, filling intellect
with it all imaginatively.

Breaking Apart Sadness

Living in the magic of your love this morning,
taking steps incessantly into poetry.

Loving and having fun with your image as it

A Fire Burning Inside

Wandering happily down trails of nature, seeking the
beauty of it as it nurtures me throughout each day.

A fire burning inside my heart, filled with uncondi-

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