RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Journey Of Keeping Memories Alive

Rocking and jockeying through measures of life and music, taking every step into the mix, never missing a single one, jumping, keeping memories alive and well.

A journey well worth the time it takes, a wonderful and special pathway leading to dusty trails far into an imaginational reality that forever fascinates people.

Missing Tones Of Anticipation

Lyrics calling out to the universe, always missing tones of anticipation until puzzle pieces filled with music and its rhythms are silently put together.

Meanings and truths fill every measure with an arrangement of innate talent and goodness from within the tapestry of this temporary earthly life.

Firemen And Police

Racing lyrics keeping up with sounds and tempos picking up, feet dancing, all fireman and police answering the call when it comes through.

A passion of compassion along with their fiery patriotic hearts as they continually take care of those who need to be attended to, no exceptions every.

Poetry Explaining The Intensity Of The Band

Rowdy and ready to dance the whole night through, keeping step with each rhythm and tempo, all the while poetry being written down, expressing and explaining their intensity as the band plays on and on.

Watching as people dance and do their own steps into the night, smiling and laughing as they meet one another on the dance floor night after night, loving every mood of music to-
night in rhythms colluding to give everyone a great time.

Living A Country - Western Life

Heading forward into the tangled jungle of life, tending to hearts and minds, dancing to the melodies as they're being played right into the spirits of our gentle souls.

Repeating rhythms in measures of musical rhythms now being played, fancy and vibrant, taking every moment into a joyful circle of happiness.

Thoughts Directed By Sounds Of Music

Voices ringing out along with drums and guitars all at once, having thoughts directed by the sounds and volume as they unbutton their minds.

Playing like their lives depended on their feelings of rhythmic music, the highlight of everyone's evening whenever we all get together for a good time.

Harnessing Energy Of Rhythms

Rolling vibrations meeting in the atmosphere, taking mind and intellect into avenues not yet discovered, but finding the way safely into their dimensions unafraid of the darkness.

Breezes blowing, creating a beam of light as it moves closer into intellect, harnessing the energy as it's following rhythms down desert trails.

Alone, No One To Remember With

Music plunging its rhythms out from under many thoughts and visions as they're contemplated one by one.

Erasing feelings of sadness and sorrow, placating heartaches that have accrued throughout the years.

Breezes Flowing Through Thoughts

Mysteries hidden in lyrics of songs for many years, feeling their lilting memories as heavenly melodies are brought out into the open.

Mind slowly opening up, breezes flowing through all the thoughts that have always been there waiting for some sort of recognition.

Always Being True To Self

Notes and tempos rising and falling like waves of an ocean, keeping track of majestic tides that seem to bring new life into the future somehow.

Pleasant and insistent rhythms banging against shore, letting everyone know that life has moved into the future with all good intentions and beliefs.

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