RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Alone Rooted

Looking out into the darkness of night, seeing lights
shining upon a tree, bare, no leaves left upon it.

It's limbs reaching into the darkened sky, trying to

Knowing The Truth Of Your Loss

Crossing ravines of life, searching for the beauty that
I lost when you left me, my dear.

Solemn, eyes tearing constantly as memories continue to

Giving Incessant Energy

Settling into the silence of an interior atmosphere,
being held spiritually here in my being.

Finding solace and serenity needed to exist, peace-

With Friends

Liveliness rearing it's head here at the Wagon Yard
where I'm writing poetry once again after a long time
not able to come here.

Locomotive Energy

Locomotive energy flowing through my mind, taking
intellect soaring above.

Figuring out mathematical equations that will keep

Our Western State

Looking out into the vast landscapes of our western state,
deserts, arid and beautiful, luring me out into it's cacti-
laden atmosphere.

Tweaking Moods

Feeling rhythms from the past building higher
within my soul.

Regulating my breathing, feeling the excite-

Developing Essence

Listening to charges of rhythm filling lover's hearts
with it's rapid beats.

Loving messages moving through the crowds, touching

Pages Of Humanity

Shutting out the world, finding solace behind my mind,
delving into intellect where thoughts are nurtured and

Mood Of Complacency

Relaxing in a mood of complacency, life sliding around,
giving peace and tranquility to my soul.

Living in the peacefulness of spirituality, intellect

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