RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Special Atmospheres Of Perfect Finality

Attitudes spilling out into the night and sliding onto the dance floor, scaring some who weren't expecting it.

Reasoning and logic looking for a place to rest and relax while touching our hearts and souls.

Wanting To Be Remembered In An Ending Song

Reaching outward, wanting to be remembered in an ending song as life takes one last dance into the night.

Practicing swirling and steps as they're being taken together in perfect timing, sliding across the dance floor.

Rhythms Skirting This Poetical Life

Rhythms skirting this poetical life like a fish as it falls over the top of an interior waterfall, then dropping into the pool below.

Having charms and love all within one heart that wants to be met halfway at least.

Hoping For An Early Morning Reprieve

Rocking away the ending of yet another day, feeling excitement being reawakened and sent into rhythms that have a solid reason for being wide awake.

Flowing in musical spheres, rising above clouds of another reason, behaving in a positive way and mood, taking turns on roads of tomorrow.

Horrendous Side Of Humanity

Sun sets upon the horizon leaving no clues at all as to who this poet is, reality seems to have glossed over and fallen away in the midst of a corrupt and evil world.

One filled with pedophilia, pedovores, rapists, murderers of human defenseless babies and children, a total horrendous side of humanity in this day and age.

Pages Of History Have Been Turned And Forgotten

Walking down well-worn trails of yesterday that have fallen away, leaving very little reminders of what used to be there.

Now many pages of history have been turned and forgotten as the world turns and falls into disarray well into the future.

Upsetting The Normal

Drums brushing rhythms rapidly through the night, upsetting the normal scheme of things that used to be known, but now there's nothing left of what we were taught as children.

Morals, ethics, values now non-existent, writhing in their nonsense and fake lies that have been loosened in the media, turning people against one another.

Reminders Of The Past No Longer Being Recognized

Songs, reminders of the past and what we loved as children, most having found an inner peace that collects the remnants
of a past that we all could recognize.

Now being lost in the turmoil of corruption and hideous crimes upon babies, children and women being tortured, raped and torn apart in the corruption of a socialist/communist world right now.

Landscapes Of A Past Life

People taking life into a landscape of what we would love to live in, no crime, corruption or murder, going back to the good old days when people care and had compassion for one another.

Doors weren't locked, thieves were few and far between, homeless veterans and people taken into our homes, fed along with our own families and treated with respect and dignity, something that doesn't always happen nowaday.

Perfect Rhythm Of Love

Rhythms and their motion taking all of us into a lively anticipation like a train on the tracks gathering everyone together and moving into the distance.

Train whistle blowing and giving no signal of emotion or feelings at all, just moving down the tracks, going into the future alone.

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