RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Trying And Failing - Never Giving Up

Racing quickly into the future while listening to rhythms of nature, keeping them closely, never letting them go astray.

Resorting to emotions of a lifetime, lots of sorrow, sadness, loneliness and abandonment, never letting go of hearts.

Going Into Last Tides Of Evening

Reaching for the ultimate in daily life, hoping that it will fulfill this being with musical varieties of another level of tomorrow, dimensions of wonder and inquisitiveness flowing upward, never going into last tides of evening.

Aspiring for integrity of what can be done if only one can establish self and continue to move in many directions at once, rulers of time constantly lead us into denizens of another world.

Resisting Apathy Of Others

Rhythms needing to be rushed into the environment with colorful sounds of youth still hidden within, waiting to play and hold hands with musical strands as they dance around.

Giving pleasant and delectable auras of the future in many measures of thoughts, ideas and concepts, gathering into intellectual rhapsodies while praying.

Watching Innocence Of children

Watching the innocence of children when hearing music and its rhythms, seeming to pick up their bright spirits, causing them to move into rhythms of melodies.

Arms swinging, feet tapping, minds filled with the essence of youth as it's being tempted in darkness all around us here at Desert Ridge.

Delicate Balance On A Television Screen

Watching fish, seals, starfish swimming in the ocean on a television screen here at the doctor's office.

Seeing the delicate balance of an oceanic atmosphere, fluid, soothing, fascinating and flowing gently beneath the ocean's surface, unknown to us unless seeing documentaries on T.V.

Preferring To Contemplate Through Music And Writing

Going deeply within a bluened light of the Divine, blocking out the world and all those in it, preferring to contemplate through music and writing.

Feeling peace and serenity descending upon this soul and spirit, loving the feelings it brings to heart, mind and intellect,
finding this tranquility nowhere else in this world.

Listening To Echoes Of Yesterday's Past

Listening to echoes of yesterday as they're being played in videos of an intellectual level, relaxing and enjoying their state of mind.

Being brought up easily from a photographic screen within a mind, watching and seeing details incessantly, keeping and cherishing them in writing poetry.

Music Clapping Coded Rhythms

Music clapping its coded rhythms in this mind, exercising neurons and synapses in perfect time, keeping up and feeling lively and captivating existence.

This intellectually stimulating mind that never stops thinking in an imaginational reality, focusing on every day life and its mysteries.

Creating Dimensions Of Knowledge And Wisdom

Climbing like ivy up century's old buildings, reminiscent of old colleges, ivy climbing their heights and adding an appeal to interior thought processes.

Continually breaking away from old stale ideas, always creating new ones in dimensions of knowledge and wisdom of an innate talent where music, art and poetry begin.

Feeling Peace Growing While Writing

Watching water flow over rocks and ledges feeling peace growing exponentially while writing, taking every detail being seen upon a photographic screen into consideration.

Living a poetical life within an innate creative process that's always turned on and going rapidly in measures that spell out every feeling and emotion that's inherently held inside.

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