RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Calculating Energy

Walking along lone pathways, casually looking around,
noticing everything, enjoying pleasant sensations that
are touching me through nature's fulfillment.

Listening To Sounds Of Darkness

Pressing keys of enticing chords, filling me with a supply
of unending energy that keeps me going throughout the night,
listening to sounds of darkness.

Mathematical Poetry Journey

Watching as life takes me on silent journeys through
interior universes, going in and out of other dimen-
sions, living in their refreshing new concepts.

Dr. P.Y.

Waiting patiently in a doctor's waiting room, knowing he
has my best interest at heart.

Meticulous and thorough, taking notes and following through

Still Yawning

A new day dawning and I'm still yawning on the
other side of the world.

Sleep approaching as nighttime descends upon my

Breaking Away From Life

Riding away like an outlaw of yesterday, not having done anything wrong, never going to say good-bye to this western way of life here in Arizona, the good old U.S.A.

Mind and heart always living in rhythms as they continue to bring peace and serenity into intellect where it will always sing to this heart.

Leaving Messages In Poetry

Waking to beats of life, smiling quietly at the sun while writing poetry incessantly, keeping thoughts always in the forefront of an innate language of rhythms and their tempos.

Leaving many messages in piles of leaves that're raked up beneath imaginary trees, being mixed and blended in notes and tempos.

Attempting To Stay Out Of The Shadows

Looking out on mountains, cacti climbing them throughout eternity, never speaking a word, but standing, guarding all of nature from invisible beings and harm.

Sunshining down upon this desert, an effervescent feeling of happiness that keeps attempting to stay out of the shadows, loving the desert, writing it into many lines of poetry.

Silence Being Broken By Rhythms Of Music Only

Drums pounding rhythms, taking time into a positive attitude that keeps everything awakened and alive, as fields of blue roses touch a mind with the bluened light of the Divine.

Continuing in the wee hours of each and every day, a silence always being broken by rhythms of music, taking this mere poet into tornadoes of poetry.

Elastic Melodies

Winds coming from different directions, never discriminating against any of them, having delight and happiness whenever they come upon this mind.

Sublime and gentle thoughts flowing throughout life, its interior atmosphere always in the hands of God, living because of His mercy and love.

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