RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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People Who Have Hearts Of God Held In Their Souls

Jumping and feeling excitement as life's filled entirely with music as it moves through this atmosphere, traveling in a majestic beauty of what matters most in this ordinary life.

Circling and moving to tempos as they come and go, like waves upon the ocean, alighting at times upon the surface, being tossed and turned especially in the center of a storm.

Stepping To Rhythms

Get those shoes a moving out on the dance floor, have a great time stepping to rhythms, never getting lost, always knowing exactly where each rhythm is going to fall.

Capturing energy as it comes from the center of melodies and their tempos, the faster the better, tight-knit, colorful as they're tempted and kept in photographic memories.

Silent Silence Of Loneliness

Silent silence of loneliness as it surpasses feelings of betrayal and anger, taking no prisoners, just abuse in one way or another.

Respecting and quietly begging for acknowledgement in shadows of darkness as they keep hiding basic thoughts that always keep a person down.

Interior Place Of Perfection

Music being played, tempos keeping pace with this heart contemplating life atmospheres interiorly, loving the energy of another dimension where there are no mistakes.

An interior place of perfection that not many people will ever see, but artistic and creative people are roped into this like a cattle drive in the good old west.

Winning And Losing Evens Out

Band coasting up and down measures of music, never disappointing us, playing music that gets everyone up and moving to its beats of rhythms.

Gliding and sliding to the beauty in rhythms going intensely straight into an environment of wonder and curiosity, all hours of the day and night.

Music Has A Place In A Poet's Life

Listening to music of the sixty's - upbeat, perfect rhythms touching and beautifying our teenage lives with taunting music of the Village People, YMCA being favorite.

Their music touching a musically rhythmic poetical mind,
loving how it has a place in a poet's life experiences, an innate talent recognized in other musicians throughout time.

Music Fulfilling Promises Of A Lifetime

Sincere, vibrant voices singing and tempting rhythms to be placed in poetry on a daily basis, no exceptions as it rolls into rhapsodies fulfilling promises of a lifetime.

Ones that have contributed to an interesting and joyful life despite the intensity of poverty that continued dancing throughout the years.

Finding Things Of Purpose In Life

Respectfully finding things of purpose in life, walking away, yet steady in a vibrancy of being, staying persistent, never giving up hope, having faith that's never lessened.

Through the years only growing and expand more than anyone will ever know, having an interior spiritual life, continuing to exercise mind and intellect in depths of being.

A Good Kindness

Rushing, dancing, feeling reverberations of past echoes lifting spirits, taking a mind into another dimension, one that's filled with an intuitive energy and knowledge.

Always seeming to give an extra boost to all things natural, with a good kindness that continues far into the future to bring many blessings to a person.

Present Pasts Of Tomorrow

Rousting energy, taking self into avenues of wonder and intense curiosity, relieving pressures of an overwhelming sadness that has stood in a heart of sorrow.

Harping upon sacred measures of bliss that come and go in destiny's passages while still living in the present pasts of tomorrow.

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