RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Using Inner Strength

Serving self throughout the years, knowing there
was no one else to do it.

Using inner strength to carry on with life, it's

Wondering How To Live

Falling apart inside, heart being broken by heartache
of losing you.

Wondering how to live the rest of my life, wishing

Questioning The Void

Striving for answers that will give peace of mind,
questioning the void that fills me with your empti-
ness and abandonment.

Questioning The Void Of Emptiness

Striving for answers that will give peace of mind,
questioning the void that fills me with your empti-
ness and abandonment.

Little Saviors

Soothing rhythms touching my mind's heart, trying to
calm emotions and feelings of intense anger and empti-

Shadows Showing Reflections

Reflections falling into my mind, beautiful and enticing
leading me down avenues into depths of intellect.

Choosing sites that need to be healed, finding ways to

Following Echoes

Listening to interior reverberations, hearing
their cries of loneliness as they echo into my

Space Of Emptiness

Disappearing interiorly, hiding away from others and
life, not wanting to join in.

There's nothing for me anymore, everything has found

Round Table Of Intellect

Meeting so many brilliant people all of a sudden,
enjoying them all, loving intelligent conversations
that we're having.

Hearts Are Meant To Be Broken

Sometimes hearts fall apart, get broken, can never
be mended in life, taking steps to protect our hearts
does us no good, because they are meant to be broken.

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