RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Journey With Fate

Walking a pathway to heaven, trying not to veer from it,
wanting to go back where I came from, on earth, knowing
that life is only temporary, difficult at best, a wavering
trail of sorrow, suffering and strife.

Innate Learning Experience

Lovely sentiments are always falling like beautiful
rose petals into my mind, tantalizing and nurturing
ideas constantly.

Peaceful Arizona Desert

Out and about, riding the range, sitting back in the
saddle, just moseying along, enjoying peace and quiet
of an Arizona desert.

Sinners Against Purity Of Hearts

Raising voices prayerfully and happily, lyrics telling
of today's world, filled with evil and terrorism.

Questioning the whys and wherefores of what is going on,

Facing Life

Walking along, peacefully, contented, mind wandering
on many different levels, thinking about different
things being worked on in other universes.

Not Able To Retrieve

Cold, lonely nights, sitting by myself after death has
visited with the seriousness of lost love.

Presenting itself in crashing waves of remorse, no way

Simple Minds

Teaching grandkids many things without disciplining
or yelling at them, just setting an example that never
quits finding a place to be accepted in their little

Underwater Cloud

Swimming in depths of sadness, looking through teary
blurred eyes, hidden behind an underwater cloud of

Life Keeps Living Through Me

Living on nothing, not wanting to eat, having no appetite
for anything in this life, least of all food of any kind.

Just wanting to abandon life the way it has abandoned me

Pre-Requisite To World Peace

Reaching out to the world through poetry, hoping to
make friends with people of other countries and cultures,
wanting to learn what others do and what they believe in.

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