RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Silent Wishing

Silently wishing to meet a friend along the way.
To make the trip not so lonely, I pray.
Sometimes prayers aren't answered, as alone,
we go our way.

Death's Side

Entering dimensions beyond my sphere of life,
liking moments spent in contemplation.
Listening attentively to beings beyond my sight
on the other side of death.

Creative Devices

Supporting life through many devices of creativity,
painting, art, music, writing.
Taking them altogether and building on their ingenuity,
designing mosaics of talent for future happiness.

Deathly Meanings

Bereavement filling me with it's presence, angering me with it's feelings and meanings of death.
Focusing on loved ones, wishing they were still here, feeling intensely, their absence, crying into many twilight evenings, alone in
familiar places.

Speaking In Songs


Wishing the time could be stopped for a day or two -
or maybe longer, so I could continue to stay in this
place of energetic musical writing.

A Lullabye


Thoughts coalescing inside, meeting with an intrepid silence of unfulfilled love that once promised to be mine forever.
Now, all that's left of it's beautiful feelings are bittersweet tears filling chalices of remorse through the years.
Wanting so much more from what we used to have, now I sit in saddened dejection, playing music in depths of lonely emptiness.
Alone in life, bereft of companionship as I play emotions in spaces of musical measures.

An Arizona Morning

Soothing my soul in depths of rock and roll, quieting my spirit and releasing any and all tension from within.
Silence filling me with a joyful serenity as I swim and dive in magnificent rhythms being played in an Arizona morning that will continue into the afternoon.

Focusing Intellect

Ranting, reveling in exciting ways, bringing along rapid emotions on a fast paced trek through lands of unbidden talent.
Throwing cares to winds of fate, tunneling across minds of ingenuity, focusing intellect on screens of inner wisdom.
Relating memories to what used to be known, carrying them forward to be used in radically new designs for eternity's shores, coming into view.

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