RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Liquid Music

Enticed by musical accompaniment, liquidly fascinated by it's enthralling feelings filling my being.
Justifying a motivation stirring within, keeping abreast of surging emotions twirling around, taking me on a lyrical journey into a realm of goodness and fun.

Rudeness Abounding

Relaxing to music of old, enjoying it's beat and rhythm.
Taking advantage of melody, existing in an atmosphere of soul-searching peacefulness.
Trying to ignore rude people talking incessantly throughout the performance of volunteer entertainers.

Saturating Silence

Silence saturates my being, taking me to expanding horizons of imagination.
Writing details for posterity, likening life in it's reality, matching abstraction's holds in venues of subconscious realms.

Belittling Potential

Stretching out on beaches, lingering on particles of sun-warmed, sandy, beguiling smiles hiding beneath umbrellas and touching corners of other's mouths, going past timidly.
Wrong-ended thoughts belittling the potential of long-lasting friendships.

Threading Life

Threading life with equal parts of suffering and trials, catering to anticipated visions over clocks of time.
Stationed in vibratory closets of earlier doses of energy, capturing all the signs of youth, ended once upon a time.

Sanctifying Solitude

Solitude sanctifies inner beliefs and faith with it's quiet interpretation under the breath of God's Holy Spirit.
Holy and peaceful, touching edges of heaven's gates, with purpose and ability.
Using talented gifts bestowed upon a mind of incessant intellect.

Revolving Life

Flowering patterns flowing across material, flowing above stairs of necessity.
Tantalizing enduring moments, adjusted to non-ending seconds in revolving areas of life, beckoning to those from the other side.

Evil's Explicit Visions

Increasing fixations of superior ability, stressing innuendoes of sinful particles, stranded in life's back alleys.
Surviving explicit visions of evil, allocated to desires of the mind, etudely stymied from atmosphere's of goodness on steps of backwood forests.

Wandering The Future

Lost, in a maze of querulous events, wondering what will be going on in the future.
Taking steps over many trials, interpreting choices in split-second decisions, hoping for the best.
Tenderly enjoying facets of minute events as I wander about future horizons, looking for past recreations.

Mood Of Sadness

The sun is setting on my mood of sadness, darkening the light that needs to stay behind and help me find my way towards another day.
Brighter perhaps, taking me along to an interior future of idealic purposes.

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