RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Preparing Intellect

Following trails into lonely forests, going into meadows
of clarified thoughts.

Finding the anticipation of an enticing motivation, ever

Traits Of Music

Delicate balances of rhythms continually placing
their tones out into the stratosphere.

Finding traits of music that can be coded like

Standing In The Wilderness

Signing my name to every poem being written so there
will never be any confusion when I am dead and gone,
on who wrote them.

Beauty Of Twilight

Charging like a light brigade into the darkness of
another night.

Seeing starlight twinkling above, not enough of their

Instrumental Chords

Rhythms filtering through intellect, touching upon
inner realms of knowledge.

Interesting and incredible images being proliferated

Looking At It's Reflection

Looking into the breezeway, seeing a black crow
walking around, finding some food dropped on the
ground by someone.

Waking Thoughts

Steady beating of rhythms capturing my mind with
their staccato sounding tempos.

Brilliant and satisfying to intellect, arousing

Sound Of Self - Confidence

Writing rapidly to intense beats of an interior rhythm,
falling into a bluened atmosphere, doubts being erased,
fears allayed, only the sound of self-confidence is left
within me now.

Injecting Intensive Energy

Witnessing effects of music interiorly, watching coded
rhythms as they fill intellect so totally.

Injecting intensive energy into this mind, incomparable

No Promises Were Given

Memories of yesterday filter through into the present,
bringing bittersweet joy to my mind.

Emptiness today, fills my being with it's abandonment,

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