RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Promise Of Fate

Energetically falling into a dilemma, catching my breath
while life continues on it's haphazard way.

Leaving me in the background, awaiting reasonable answers

Aging Into A Sunless Life

Living in a painful environment, being filled with
it, tears falling into cupped hands.

Tired of all the hurt, caused by this body slowly

Rewarded Faith

Leaving earth, traveling in my mind to places where I
can entertain myself without having to worry about
physical ailments.

Life Without Me Living Within

Reluctantly looking in the past, wanting to remember every-
thing, yet not wanting to let go of any of it, especially
loved ones who have now departed.

Extrememly Inquisitive

Sliding down mountain pathways, oblivious to the dangers
inherent within it's hidden places.

Secreted quietly where no one can see them unless they

Elation Of Spirituality

Exercising every particle and fiber of being, feeling
powerfully energized and filled with an elation of

Comfortable Atmosphere

Roosting as it were, just sitting here and writing, looking
around, noticing all the bright neon lights blinking and
beckoning everyone to come and play, more importantly to
spend their money, after all this is a casino.

Environmen Of Fantasy

Situating my mind in an environment of fantasy when
delighting in figments of imagination.

Creating stories and situations with messages culminating

Rebelliousness Of Youth

Rioting within, finding an abundance of feelings as I
dance about my mind.

Elaborating senses and taking them forward along byways

Audience Participation

Another hoop dance with members of the audience,
adults and children alike.

A hilarious rendition of a native American tradition,

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