RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Abstract Rhymes

Sparkles of memories glimmer in my mind's eyes, twinkling ideas, leading them to my imaginative mind for possibilities of rhyming abstractions.
Holding closely to visions as they waltz around subconsciously in realms of fantasy's realities.
Observing countless details in picturesque thought, choosing cognitively, particles of truth for fodder of my mind continually.

Symmetrical Music

Centered deeply within my being, obliterating all noise around me, keeping my mind balanced with symmetrical music, playing violinly in tune with my writing.
Introducing sincere thoughts filled with learning even as they're written down, sending emotions thriving, into rivers, flowing along without stopping or pausing.
Combining all injustices into one large amount to be taken away and sent charging to the stormy ocean without reprieve or regrets.

Picture On A Wall

Clouds floating across vast areas, images touching,
kissing, reflections on top of water.
Waves gently rising and falling, leaving patterns
lying in the wind.

Soulful Appreciation

Emulation of others is not part of my make-up, I follow my heart and soul wherever they'll lead me in life.
Soulfully appreciating gifts God has given, I delve deeply into them to avoid talking with another.
It suits me to a tee, being myself on a normal basis - never giving my life to another to do what they will.

Keeping Peace

Walking sticks past the existence of legal priorities, keeping pace with all manner of endeavors kept intact.
Orderly steps stand sideways so anyone can climb inside and take part in new thoughts falling away and leaving room for no others.

Distant Verse

Trudging down lanes of harmony, picking up my feet as notes lift me higher than my being can go by itself.
Swallowing scents of yesterday so I may go on, becoming famous from a distant verse written in the future.

Freedom's Choice

Silent patterns seemingly inert, set themselves on journeys of
self-incriminating ideas.
Lounging alongside visions, watching as they continually pass
by on inner screens, allowing the freedom to choose what I want


Certain definitions of life are satisfied as I alone write myself into a life of living, daily.
Errands, chores, tasks are set aside as I continue to debate what areas of intellect I wish to use in contemplation.

Spacious Pictures

Reaching for limits that I have stretched beyond sight, wanting to attain more intellectual imagination than ever before.
Listening beyond hearing, sensing pulses of harmonies filling outer atmospheres with rhythms never heard of in life.
Covering so many aspects of concentration, filling my mind with spacious pictures on photographic screens, finally appearing clearer, stronger, just like before.
Lost in a beautiful land of imagery, wonder tantalizing my innate curiosity as it climbs ever higher to explore and discover what is out there beyond the past experiences I've gone through in poetical essences.

Being Resurrected

Realizing hidden potential within, using intellect and wisdom to bring all of it to fruition.
Tantalizing more so than ever before, giving me such a feeling of love and desire for the whole world and what is within it.
Being held in reserve for me to share once I am able to.
Capably being resurrected from within my soul, being carried to plains beyond sight, enjoying all sensations coming into me.

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