RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
An Abusive Father

As confidential as a prayer whispered from a child's lips,
brought out of anguish from a little one's heart, despair
branding his mind because he could not understand why his
father was an alcoholic.

Solo Path

Sorrow raining into my heart and soul, holding me closely
and giving comfort in teardrops that continue to fall.

Devastating thoughts in the face of all these odds in life,

Leaving You Behind

Really trying to come back to life, but there's just too
much between us now, death's curtains cannot be parted,
they only open one way my love.

Solitary Emotions

Loving, losing, longing for the past, dreaming of solitary emotions, strongly existing in images,
giving pleasure and sadness in exactly the same moments.
Gasping inside, trying hard to breathe, yet trying to move about without a murmur escaping.
Sleeping interiorly, giving off expectant hopes to anyone passing by, noticing what I am feeling.

Tempos Reaching My Soul

Drumming to the beat of my heart fills the atmosphere
within my mind, titillating and exciting it no end,
finding tempos reaching within my soul.

Riding Towards Destiny

Sounds of an Indian drummer taking me away on a galloping
horse into tomorrow's sunset, filling my mind with wonder-
ful pictures of light and joy.

Instruments Of Living

Tending to instruments of living, listening to rhythms I
continue playing on my clarinet, guitar, violin, piano,
all bringing joy to my soul.

Fulfilling Passion

Ideas flowing spontaneously through tempos and rhythms
in music, touching and tantalizing every moment of life,
introducing various subjects rapidly into my mind.

Interior Sadness

Sitting in an interior desolution, looking about,
focusing on nothing important.

Feeling around inside, searching for peace or

Giving Meaning To Nature

Sticking inner thoughts out into the atmosphere to capture the beauty of life at it's best.
Sending messages throughout time, giving meaning to all of nature and saving it carefully in poems of living matter.
Becoming future music for the world, enjoying the light airiness of rhythm's force.

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