RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Definitive Use

Thought processes racing around the clock, devising different
techniques to help people overcome aging and it's frailty,
there's got to be a way.

Individual Capacity

Searching dimensions of intellect that lie neglected deep within
our minds, awaiting ideas to creatively be developed, holding on-
to the fantasies and imaginative processes of creativity.

Watching Lovebirds

Watching two lovebirds, listening to them coo sweet nothings
to one another, so cute, loving how they can understand the
meaning of love.

Inventive Thoughts

Soliloquies of music playing within, touching inventive thoughts
and ideas of intellect, taking this mind soaring into the wide
blue yonder of other dimensions beyond earthly limits.

Wasting Potential

Curtailing limits put on us by other people who don't under-
stand the creative and intellectual process at all, living
in their materialistic world.

Thoughts Jumping To Attention

Watching a bluened light spreading through mind and intellect
giving thoughts a spiritual boost while writing, a carefree
and light mood taking this mind into many atmospheres.

Experiencing Self - Realizations

Experiencing many self-realizations and truths when delving
into subconscious thoughts, for there everything is based on
fact and truth.

Little Knowings

Living in a colorful atmosphere filled with tones and sounds
of music and rhythm, living in their depths, expressions
being found of an innate understanding.

An Awakening Of Intelligence

Exercising mind and intellect through music, art and writing,
creating mathematical equations and fitting them to coded
rhythms that continually open the mind.


Watching pennants waving and flapping in the breeze outside,
full of energy and excitement it seems.

Then suddenly falling still in the absence of a morning

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