RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Familial Bond

When you chose me out of the crowd, to make friends with, I didn't understand your motives at the time.
Even now, I'm not sure, but want to continue being friends for the rest of my shortened lifespan.
Suspecting a familial tie, keeping us bonded no matter what - through the rest of life.
A bond, so strong, that it cannot be broken even if you stay outside the borders of my life.

Tasting Poetry

Rushing home to myself as I am transported by rhythms into skyways of subconsciousness.
Forgiving attitudes calming me as I mount the last mountain of my life on earth.
Quieting my soul with fragrant scents of adjectives, blending together with thoughts of creating intellect.
Showing me exacting principles of music and it's compositions.

Confident In Being

Missing out on many activities in daily life, preferring instead to sit and write from imagination.
Taking myself on visits to outer space and beyond, then returning and leaving for points in inner space, reserved for only me.
Confident in my being, satisfied with life as I am living it today.
Leaving others out of my boundaries, preferring not to be hurt by their insensitive remarks and comments.

Hiding Within

Silently, crying inside, walking around in a deep ravine of sadness as I try to find words to express it's profound effect on my heart and mind.
Tacitly hiding within myself, wandering in saddened musical sounds, drenching me with their feelings, taking me into depths of emotion where I am astounded at their value and worth in my quiet little life.
Imagining the beauty I have found into a poem.

Folding Sadness

Raining into my soul, all the sadness of a lifetime folding itself into my being.
Reaching deeply inside, and swimming around in musical sounds, letting myself be absorbed with their lilting rhythms.
Increased joy unfolding itself in many rhymes of imagination, telling everyone about a life beyond my own.

Visiting Visions

Love beating in my heart, jumping to it's feet, allowing an idea to form and bring complacent dreams right where I am.
Walking into visions of past belonging, treasuring their wonderful essence in my mind's heart.
Visiting them in dreams of my memories, always holding them closely to watch and feel, any time the interior sadness becomes too much.
Attracting all types of misgivings, yet granting a license to roam into frontiers of future pastimes.

Healing Angels

Missing Small Miracles

Vacantly staring into environmental landscapes, hoping to see future
omens of predictability so life can be sent straight to the end of a good cause.
Splendid sights appearing in visions of tomorrow's fate, holding on regularly to ordinary things, missing the small miracles of every moment.

Flowering Thoughts

Flowering into thoughts as music rotates throughout my mind,
stretching nature into unconfined spaces, preparing it for
consequences and an awakening of inconsequential fate.

Surpassing Limits

Unusual sounds touching parts of my brain, tuning it like a guitar, bringing it into a harmony with beyond.
Limits having been found and surpassed, bringing me into profound depths of my soul, never felt before.
Justifying life and it's beautiful essence while touching my own and bringing passion totally out into the open.
Lasting formulas making musical poetry and letting it flow onto paper unendingly.

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