RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Brought About By Humanity

Wanting to hide away, not ever being a witness to evil,
only wanting to see the good in this world.

Never abolishing my belief in the goodness of humanity

Vaults Of Intellect

Softly whispering in the past, their echoes now coming
into mind, traveling the distance through many years
on photographic screens.

Going Into An Interior Life

Turmoil and challenges on earth take our time and energy
away from things that really matter, like loving our own
families and spending every spare moment with them.

Free From Abandoning Life

Sooner or later I will fall into the cradle of death
gently, tired of living this tumultuous life on earth.

Knowing that I look forward to it's intense peace and

Freed From Time Limits

Time taking itself along our lives, expecting nothing,
giving not a nanosecond to us, just ticking along at
it's one speed.

Crazy Life

Reeling and rocking in rhythms that take me away from this
crazy life bent on destroying me through people who are so
selfish and greedy.

Satisfied With Intellect

Finding self in a morning light shining upon earth,
wondering at the beauty of nature, being satisfied
intellect's interpretation of it.

Making An Impact

Creating and shaping thoughts into infinite amounts of
words and meanings.

Forming them into prose, delivering messages to all of

Never Knowing Another

Watching men and women falling in and out of love,
caring then throwing the other away for someone

Pictures Of Love Standing Still

Memories picturing those we have loved in our lifetimes,
seeing and feeling our love for them time after time all
through the years.

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