RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Putting Life On Hold

Insinuating circumstances causing havoc within,
writing dimensionally, figuring phantomly, signs
of tomorrow's destiny.

Watching Through Frosted Windows

Walking through an icicle forest, touching it's brevity
in sights of melting drops, falling to the ground.
Coldness surrounding visions, giving them crystal-clear
clarity as I watch them slowly thaw in thought.

Surfing Pretend Waves

Traveling on edges of yesterday's playgrounds when young.
Surfing pretend waves, sliding down the slide into an
ocean of sharks.
Only to be the best surfer on the waves as a game of

Elderly Love

Swinging, falling in love all over again,
an elderly couple dancing, holding one
another closely.

Touched By Another

Poverty steps into the future, bringing with it the past
and all it's present moments.

Heavenly Kisses

Strings being pulled along my heart and mind,
touching lightly, reminders of long ago.

Reaching into depths of quiet solitude,

Sorrow's Thought

Eyes of regret, filled with tears of sorrow's thought.
Recalling precious moments, listening to their echoes
Unforgettable people still touching our lives, even

Behind Sorrow's Curtains

Enjoying Our Italian Family

Loving my heritage, Italian in nature, I reminisce of days from yesterday when our family was still all together, singing, laughing, loving in unison.
Happy to be alive and enjoying one another's company every chance we had to be together.

A Father's Love For His Daughter

Broken hearts, never able to be mended during childhood,
not understanding why a mother doesn't love her child.
What could've happened when she was born - her Daddy
was there waiting for her beautiful being to appear.

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