RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Necessity Of Instruments

Slowly forming an educational system within, taking into
account, the necessity of learning to play an instrument.

Music encompasses every aspect of learning, math, spelling,

Yellow Butterfly

Flying around the desert, a lone little yellow butterfly
soars in and about desert flowers.

Taking time to be at home with nature, flitting around

Chosen Path

Surviving the energy of life being contrived by evil doers,
keeping serene and steady in a narrow pathway down righteous
and morally correct ethics.

Multi - Directions

Quietly astounding, reflections being captured in various
windows in multi-directions.

Lightened orange-yellow with a hint of gray, lying silently

Sphere Of Unconditional Love

Midnight skies coming alive in this vibrant mind,
taking me away into an atmosphere of supposed love,
having a desire of intense caring, loving the feelings
it brings into intellect.

Afraid Of No Fear

Waiting in depths of a lion's den, here amidst evils
of this world, looking about for a savior to come to
my aid.

Creating Instruments Of Poetry

Running faster than the speed of sound, ink flows onto
this page, creating one poem after another, sating a
thirst within to write incessantly, enjoying it always.

Scientific Ignorance

Formulating ideals, questions, intellect, grasping
cognitive answers waylaid from yesteryear.
Unenlightened heresy, aware of retaliatory self-
deception and self-delusion.

Realizing Worth Of Love

Playing games with other's hearts discloses varied
personalities in the interim.

Love is a figment of our imaginations, yet it is

Peace Begins

Waltzing through the tunnels of life, eyes full of stars,
awaiting the comeuppance of eternity.
Standing off, taken aback by the quiet unperturbance of
silence affecting outcomes of everyday life with a

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