RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Pursuit Of Eternal Life

Having grown old before my time, but only in my mind.
There I cogitate and reminisce as if on a rocking chair
of ninety.
Balancing words and thoughts, exacting literal meanings

Afraid Of No Fear

Waiting in depths of a lion's den, here amidst evils
of this world, looking about for a savior to come to
my aid.

Sphere Of Unconditional Love

Midnight skies coming alive in this vibrant mind,
taking me away into an atmosphere of supposed love,
having a desire of intense caring, loving the feelings
it brings into intellect.

Compassion And Caring

Broken spirits of women and children preying upon
minds of men who are compassionate and caring.

Wondering how to get rid of the evil demons always

Creating Instruments Of Poetry

Running faster than the speed of sound, ink flows onto
this page, creating one poem after another, sating a
thirst within to write incessantly, enjoying it always.

Chosen Path

Surviving the energy of life being contrived by evil doers,
keeping serene and steady in a narrow pathway down righteous
and morally correct ethics.

Yellow Butterfly

Flying around the desert, a lone little yellow butterfly
soars in and about desert flowers.

Taking time to be at home with nature, flitting around

Sharing Gifts

Never needing a reason to write, only picking up a pen,
allowing ideas to flow into pictures of thought.

Everything being found on photographic screens, to be

Never Satisfied With Love

Looking around at all the elderly couples dancing and
enjoying themselves tremendously, knowing many of them
have been married fifty or sixty years to each other.

Multi - Directions

Quietly astounding, reflections being captured in various
windows in multi-directions.

Lightened orange-yellow with a hint of gray, lying silently

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