RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Finding A New Adventure

Twilight dreams rarely if ever come true, yet at times
a rainbow will be elicited from one of them.

Excitement and joy abounding, finding a new adventure

Death's Shadows

Darkness falling upon this mind, hiding it in the sorrow
of yesterday where all love has died and disappeared be-
yond boundaries of this life.

Wondering How Life Exists

Calmly and rationally thinking, wondering how life can
exist through a grave and debilitating disease that
can take a life without any remorse.

Writing About Ordinary Life

Having nothing to say, tired of living, only writing about
this ordinary life through poetry as it brings everything
around me to life.

Seconds At A Time

Sunshine glaring into this waiting room off and on,
whenever the door is opened by a person walking into
the room.

Consuming Desires

Energy rising, mind expanding, creativity growing in leaps
and bounds, involving every particle and fiber of being.

Consuming with many desires in life, loving every one as

Aggravation Of Stress

As the aggravation of a harried day comes to a grinding halt,
I take a breath to relieve the stress and see how freedom

Self-Indulgent Dreams

Watching crystals of water float atop a body of water,
glistening with a freshness coming from a winter's sunshine.

Glimmering into subconscious realms, letting them flow through

Feeling Of Power

Falling into a familiar repertoire of rhythm, writing to it's
delectable sounds, being elated by elicited tones.

Finding a tremendous feeling of power, walking into unknown

Lazily Picking Up A Pen

Slowly tripping through life, not caring where it leads
right now.

Just sitting back, relaxing, writing, filling this mind

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