RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Moving Away

Remembering times when younger, playing on seventy-
five acres on Tullo Road.
Willow trees all around, my favorite hiding places
when I wanted to get away from my five younger

Begging Public For Money

Seeing a billboard bragging about gaming in Arizona,
contributing thirty-eight million dollars to
education here in our state.
Why then all the over-rides trying to get money

Our Friend's Moves

Walking across the floor, our friend, wanting to
move to the beat and tempo of the music being
played, attempting it half-heartedly and then
giving up.

Finding Space In Time

Juxtapositioning my mind, wanting it to find a space
in time where it can be comfortable and able to
enjoy rhythms happening all around me at the Wagon

Agility Of Youth

Window images walking in and out of visual acuity
as I sit and gaze at nature from inside.
A gentle breeze puffing at tree leaves and branches,
allowing them a sensuous freedom of movement for a

Genuine Possibilities

Swirling into another realm of recorded music,
feeling the inspiration filling my soul with
genuine possibilities in aspects of composition.
Allowing for the utmost scientific formulas

Averted Travesties

Remunerations of life stand out against a backdrop of trials
and tribulations, tempting with repugnant situations.

As I travel through distinct measures of love, many travesties

Our Soul's Memories

Taking little steps backward, remembering with a clarity,
conversations from the past.

Destiny's Riches

Entering a zone, filled with loud rocking music,
sating my soul, easing my mind as our future steps
onto the next shore of life.


Solemnly in synch, dancing across my mind, feeling
time-altering mechanisms move and gyrate within.

Collecting visions of subconscious imaginings and

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