RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Predicting The Future

Satisfying an inner desire, taking time to express it through
flowers and statements of love.

Knowing thoughts, purposeful glances, hints at romance in the

Begging Public For Money

Seeing a billboard bragging about gaming in Arizona,
contributing thirty-eight million dollars to
education here in our state.
Why then all the over-rides trying to get money

Moving Away

Remembering times when younger, playing on seventy-
five acres on Tullo Road.
Willow trees all around, my favorite hiding places
when I wanted to get away from my five younger

Genuine Possibilities

Swirling into another realm of recorded music,
feeling the inspiration filling my soul with
genuine possibilities in aspects of composition.
Allowing for the utmost scientific formulas

Coming Into My Own

Needing direction at times, because I'm wandering
randomly in a hazy fog, left me from the loss of
a loved one.
Hurting beyond the curtains of death, not knowing

Agility Of Youth

Window images walking in and out of visual acuity
as I sit and gaze at nature from inside.
A gentle breeze puffing at tree leaves and branches,
allowing them a sensuous freedom of movement for a

Overtures Of Imagination

Saturating memories with poignant emotions,
picturing them over and over in many videos.
Overtures of imagination crashing onto shores
of intellectual desire and effrontery in life.

Rising Intellect

Strumming stormy skies, rain drizzling down,
listening to the blues, fitting right in with
the mood I'm in today.

Finding A New Normal

Silence filling hearts during the Christmas season,
when loved ones have passed away.
Empty stares, looking back at past times now gone,
barely alive during this normally cheerful time of

Our Friend's Moves

Walking across the floor, our friend, wanting to
move to the beat and tempo of the music being
played, attempting it half-heartedly and then
giving up.

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