roxes kairi

roxes kairi Poems

well.. i don't know where i can start
it never happened too fast
when i remember it, it breaking my heart
1 year and half ago i was loser miss the life taste

The Best Poem Of roxes kairi

A Love Story

well.. i don't know where i can start
it never happened too fast
when i remember it, it breaking my heart
1 year and half ago i was loser miss the life taste
till i meted her... she learned me how to be happy
she gave me all i needed
she was my bestfriend
i was talking to her for days without sleeping
i liked that weird feeling which i feel when i hear her name
i felt like i'm one of her family
i leaved my family and back to my pc so i can talk to her
even her voice... makes me feel a cold shiver in all my body
what is that! ! , i never feel something like that for no one
when i look at her eyes, i forget my name
sometimes i wish if she feel the same
although that was long distance
but she made it easy for eachother
she become the best thing that happened to me
i thought i love her but she never care
she had a bf, he treats her like too bad
even his brother makes her sad
i couldn't stand it any more
i wanna protect her, but i have no right or ability to do
what a loser i am till she brock up
it was my chance
that was about to be the dream of my life
and suddenly i realized she is my all life
i cant stay alive without hearing her sweet voice
i didn't know what is this feeling
till i asked her.. if she wanna be my gf
that was a memorial moment for me
when she said what made me shocked
what makes me wanna fly for her
she said she LOVES me...
i wanted to open my heart, to put her inside and close it forever
now i know what is the love
she teached me how to love
but that wasn't enough
i wanted to stay my lifetime with her
she was the right person for me
i was dreaming about her, in the best 4 monthes in my life
If I can only see
that your love for me is not forever
then I will always be free
from these chains of love you bind me
Many nights i prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
asking the god to keep u with me
i wanted my last moment to be with u
i wanted to die between your arms that's how i can die happy
i adored you and gave you all i have and u said some stuff
but that wasn't enough...
i couldn't make her happy i guess
her dad make her broke up with me but she said she loves me
when she say that.. it makes me tear my eyes
but when she said she hates me
she made it tear blood: (
i only wish if i had a time to tell her
look into my eyes you will see
what you mean to me
search your heart, search your soul
and when you find me there you'll search no more
don't tell me it's not worth trying for
you can't tell me it's not worth dying for
you know it's true....
yes i loved you
u were my first love and u will still in my heart
whatever happened or whatever u say
i will keep you in my heart everyday
just look into your heart, you will find
there's nothing there to hide
take me as I am.. take my life
i would give it all I would sacrifice
don't tell me it's not worth fighting for
i can't help it there's nothing I want more
but it was nothing till u said u love some one else
that is what made me bleed
never thought about it, looks like im shocked again
but this time it killing me know the truth
im dieing and u killed me.. i thought i will never breath anymore
you had my heart! !
i trusted you but u throw it away
and said GOODBYE!
i was dieing every day
till this moment by missing you
but when u love some one you want her/him to be happy
... maybe that's what made me feel ok
he makes you happy and that's what i want
i couldn't get over you, till u told me what to do
i dated some one else while i still think about you
she loves me, she makes me forget how u brock my heart
but that dosen't work from being apart
you treated me too bad... but i never forgot how your ex made u sad
now you are my bestfriend again, and yes i still love you the same
i will never change or forget this shame
you were my first love and the real love... forever

and as u always say
(True love never dies, But Real love is forever.)
To: Bonnie Rodriguez... (the girl who left her effect on me)


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