Rumi Ullidov Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Kill The Moon

Kill the moon
No sea shall rise again, torture of the land
No howling wolf shall disturb the night
No mourning for the lost souls, forgotten and never found

Ice Cream

"I'm silly" I say to myself
Coning stupendous flavours
Every now and then

A Bottle Of Water Please

last night i visited a bar
around town
not so far
when in i went

Identity Crisis

Should I be called Mero, Hero, or Romero?
The creator of Rome, or a sublime tyrant-
meandering in a capitalist maze-
where cows their milk drink and throw it up.


Balconies of Babylon - where, within a lucid dream,
A vivid memory was born anew.
Grammar structure obsolete.
Rules and obedience forgotten.


Fields of corn filled with mignion filet...
My imagination is wreaking havoc-
Two white swans doing ballet-
Tears of freedom running array

Yesterday Was The Day

Yesterday was the day
when all i had,
ill in bed,
had to give away.

Little Did He Know

In the yellow meadows of Ipswich Town
there lays the body of a dead cockroach-
covered in dead leafs and a long grass gown,
which makes it hard to approach.

If I Died (Would You Be There)

If I died
Would you be there darling
To carry the burden of abandonment in your shoulders
I mean my corpse

This Summer Was Different

This summer was different
For there were no sunny days
Nor starry nights
Van Gogh would cough and be sick

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