Ruth Calder Murphy

Ruth Calder Murphy Poems

You pick at my brain
like tapas...
Like tapestry,


Grief falls softly,
like a discarded leaf
tumbling to embers
and turning to ash.

The morning is clear,
riding in on the back of moonbeams
and surfing the crests of clouds.
Coffee in hand,

The park is awash with Autumn -
russet rustling like drizzle on crystal;
reds and golds falling in a blaze of Glory,
knowing the story always comes to this end

Ruth Calder Murphy Biography

I'm Ruth Calder Murphy, also known as RCM, or, Arciemme. I'm a writer, artist, musician, teacher, wife and mother-of-three, living in London, UK. My life is wonderfully full of creativity and low-level chaos. (Rising, if I'm honest, to high-level at times!) I'm the co-author of two published novels - 'The Scream' and 'The Everlasting Monday' - and author of several books of poetry, one or two as-yet unpublished novels and lots of short stories. I'm passionate about celebrating the uniqueness and diversity of people, questioning the unquestionable and discovering new perspectives on old wonders. I'm learning to ride the waves that come along - peaks and troughs - and am waking up to just how wonderful life really is.)

The Best Poem Of Ruth Calder Murphy


You pick at my brain
like tapas...
Like tapestry,
un-picking me,
You revel
in my unravelling
and reveal glitches
in my stitches.
You Freud my friendships
and Jung my youth,
Klein my inclines
and my audacious two-faces
and haul my callings over the coals
of your Beck.
You psychology me,
tripping and trapping,
twisting and turning -
uncovering Me.

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