Ryan Ritterbush

Ryan Ritterbush Poems

Does a simple kiss explicate my love?
Or perhaps my warmth when I'm holding you;
Or if the heavens parted from above,
Would it still not be enough to shine true?

The Best Poem Of Ryan Ritterbush

Your Hand In Mine

Does a simple kiss explicate my love?
Or perhaps my warmth when I'm holding you;
Or if the heavens parted from above,
Would it still not be enough to shine true?

Maybe it simply be not so divine,
But rather that simple kiss holding true:
The warmth from my body, your hand in mine;
The power from the words, 'I love you too'.
But if heaven would fall before our love,
Wouldn't that make our love more divine?
Or maybe it is a gift from above;
The greatest gift of all: your hand in mine.

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